Portable Bible Schools
This eight-week training program, containing roughly 200 hours of material, focuses on Bible comprehension and pastoral care. Graduates are equipped as leaders in the local church and as church planters.
Schools of Evangelism
Using accelerated curriculum, each nine-month, residential School of Evangelism equips students with practical skills for evangelism, church planting, and pastoral leadership. Many students go on to be recruited as professional pastors and church planters.
Great Commission Challenge Camps
This three-day youth camp challenges participants to practice evangelism using simple methods to effectively communicate the gospel. Youth are mentored by a School of Evangelism graduate in leading local small group bible studies.
Women’s Impact Network
Women are equipped in this three-day intensive with practical strategies to nurture local women leaders through discipleship groups focusing on Bible study.
Inductive Bible Study Seminars
Participants learn in a three-day intensive how to study God’s Word in context on their own, increase their understanding of God’s character, and prepare expository Bible studies and sermons.
Evangelism Resources and our partners have evangelism and church-planting ministries among 100 unreached people groups around the world. You can engage with us by committing to hold one or more of these unreached people groups in prayer. Ask the Lord to bless the efforts of ER-trained workers to witness for Christ among them. Then give to support outreach in those people groups by financing the training of more laborers for God’s harvest fields overseas.
Free Resources
The Association of International Discipleship Advancement (AIDA) and Evangelism Resources have developed a library of training curriculum for use in the Schools of Evangelism, Portable Bible Schools, and other discipleship programs. Many of the materials are also available as free digital downloads.
Ministry Partnerships
Evangelism Resources partners with evangelists and trainers who are intimately familiar with the cultural contexts, spiritual strongholds, and communication tools that are effective in their communities.
We invite you to join a community that believes in long-lasting change driven by the power of prayer for the unreached.