News from the Fields
MAR-APR 2025
In Time for Easter
In our online prayer time today Rev. Antony Francis, our ministry partner in Jharkhand, India, asked us to pray for an upcoming drive to evangelize 24 villages in his state where there are no churches. Leading up to Easter, he plans to send students of his School of Evangelism (SOE) to these villages to go from door to door, telling about our loving God who hears and answers our prayers, and offering to pray for any who desire it.
Throughout 2024 Antony led his SOE students in a similar drive to reach 84 villages in the region. He reports there was good fruit in all but seven of the villages; those seven were resistant because of their many high-caste Hindus.
JAN-FEB 2025
Until the Whole Arab World Knows
In early November our special team of teachers for the Portable Bible School Teacher Training Seminar (PBSTTS) gathered once again, this time in Cairo, Egypt! To say this was an unexpected opportunity is a huge understatement—though perhaps less so given that we had already presented the PBSTTS twice in Turkey. You’ll remember that our team includes Dale Garside and me from the US, Elnathan Nyamuke from the DRC, and Stephen and Shanti Rawate from India. To that core we have now added teachers from China and Turkey. The trainees numbered 44, mostly from Egypt, with eight coming from the Sudan.
I was surprised by the many Christian churches we saw in this Arabic city of 18 million residents, and the fact that they were free to worship.
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NOV-DEC 2024
Finishing the Year Strong
Did you know that less than one percent of missions giving goes to the 10/40 Window, that region of the world where Christ’s salvation is least known? Evangelism Resources is trying to redress that sad imbalance.
To that end, six generous donors have offered to match up to a combined $78,000 that is given by the end of this year for training evangelism leaders in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Middle East, and northern Nigeria.
We want to help our overseas partners in these least-reached areas, where many have never heard the name of Jesus, finish the year strong! We want to help them raise up a huge wave of evangelists and missionaries to take Christ’s salvation where you and I could never go.
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Hope Abounds in Northeast India
Mrs. Pansri Basumatary is a Portable Bible School (PBS) graduate from Assam, India, who brought news of Jesus Christ to her relative, Mr. Dwmwilu Basumatary. Dwmwilu had been bedridden for three years and had been told by both doctors and Hindu leaders in his village that there was no hope for him. And yet, the Lord had a mighty plan.
Pansri prayed with Dwmwilu and told him that Jesus wanted to heal him. Hope began to kindle. Over the next five days, ER’s ministry leader in northern Assam and fellow believers visited Dwmwilu. During that time, the gospel was preached to Dwmwilu’s entire household. The hope that had started to kindle was now ignited and all eight members of the household, including three children, made decisions to follow Jesus!
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Sowing Generously: With Your Help
In 2019 Evangelism Resources received its largest-ever donation from the trust of a New Jersey friend. The gift nearly doubled our income that year, so in 2020 the staff and board of ER committed to double our ministries around the world. Further, since we had a sizeable positive financial balance, we stopped asking for donations. For over three years we never asked anyone to give to ER!
When COVID hit, instead of doubling in 2020 almost all our ministries shut down. Thankfully, giving remained healthy, which enabled us to generously help our overseas partners with food relief for their neighbors and others who had lost jobs and income because of the world pandemic.
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MAY-JUN 2024
Sowing Generously
If you’re like me you want your life to count—to help advance God’s kingdom and to bring glory to His name. The Bible is replete with teachings about having an impactful life. One of the more common principles for bearing fruit is to sow generously. For example:
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully (2 Corinthians 9:6).
Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well (Ecclesiastes 11:6).
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MAR-APR 2024
A Journey with ER Partners
In this edition of News from the Fields, I’d like you to imagine that you’re on a cross-cultural journey. You’ll travel to Turkey to join pastors for a Portable Bible School Teacher Training seminar, getting an inside look at how preaching is taught. Then, you’ll get on a flight for India to meet several of our ministry leaders through the eyes of ER friends Frank and Jenny Zartman. Your journey will continue to Nigeria where you’ll hear from Mawo and Janet Abaya, before traveling to the UK and Pakistan. Your final stop will be visiting teachers of the Freedom Child Centers in India, returning to your home with their testimonies fresh on your mind.
Throughout this reading journey, I hope you’ll be encouraged about the ways God is moving through the faithfulness of these brothers and sisters in Christ.
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JAN-FEB 2024
A Life and Death Struggle
Yes, we believe it! Some may call us fanatics, but we truly believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). That’s why we’re determined to do everything we can to reach as many as possible with the love of God and His offer of salvation (1 Cor. 9:22b).
Because we believe it’s a matter of life and death (Romans 6:23) Evangelism Resources is doing everything possible to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20) who will make other disciples (2 Timothy 2:2) where the need is greatest (2 Cor. 10:16).
In 2023 we helped fund the training of over 51,000 witnesses to take Christ’s salvation to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
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NOV-DEC 2023
A “Bumper Harvest”
Pastor Yeshwanth was one of our early partners in India. He would often report that they had seen a “bumper harvest” of new souls won to Christ and believers discipled. He would roll the “rrrrs” in “bumperrrr harrrrvest,” giving the statement extra emphasis.
Similarly, I’m thrilled to report that Evangelism Resources this year has reaped a “bumper harvest!” By the end of September, we had already trained more people in our various ministries than in any prior full year!
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SEP-OCT 2023
A Way in the Wilderness
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” - Isaiah 43:19
At a recent ER meeting, President Paul Braun closed in prayer using a phrase that caught my attention: “…like we’ve never done before.” He was referring to a whole list of ways God is blessing us, including prayer, funding, ministry tools, ministry places, and people on the ground.
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JUL-AUG 2023
Surprised by God
Have you ever been surprised by God? For example, seeing someone come to Christ after you had started to wonder whether they would ever believe? Or seeing someone physically healed despite your doubting prayers?
Habakkuk had that problem. He was asking God why He wasn’t listening, why He wasn’t saving His people. Then, surprise of all surprises, God told Habakkuk that He was going to answer his prayer by using the godless Babylonians to bring God’s judgement upon His people, Judah. In these last few years, God has surprised us here at ER. Let me tell you briefly about it.
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MAY-JUN 2023
As the Waters Cover the Sea
Evangelism Resources is getting ready to celebrate another year of God’s leading, provision and blessing on our church-planting and discipleship/leadership-training ministries around the world. We’ve been impressed recently at how God’s Spirit is moving in new places and in new ways that we never could have imagined. The earth is truly being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, one region after the next.
It is a truism that anytime the kingdom of God advances in territory formerly controlled by the devil, the spiritual warfare is never easy. There is always resistance and there are often casualties. We’ve seen this in Nigeria and India and elsewhere. Prayer is the key to overcoming the opposition, and even then it is a mortal struggle!
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MAR-APR 2023
The Least of the Lost
Evangelism Resources’ mission statement is “Mobilizing Disciples to Accelerate the Harvest.” We want to evangelize as many of the unreached as possible and to equip them to become disciples and disciple-makers so that they can accelerate the harvest among their own people.
To do this, we provide training through our Schools of Evangelism (SOEs), Portable Bible Schools (PBSes), Mobile Schools of Evangelism (MSOEs), Great Commission Challenge Camps (GC³s), Inductive Bible Study Seminars (IBSes), and WIN (Women’s Impact Network). This is the mobilizing. We focus on the last and the least-reached people groups, especially in India and other countries in the 10/40 Window, in order to complete the mandate of the Great Commission left to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the harvest.
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JAN-FEB 2023
Pray Without Ceasing
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, the apostle Paul wrote that believers should pray without ceasing. How do we interpret this? Does it mean we must literally pray all the time? Is this for every individual Christian? If so, how do we do that when it’s time to sleep, go to work, or take care of our families? Perhaps it means, rather, to have an attitude of prayer without ceasing—refusing to do anything, to make any decision, or to launch out into any venture until we have consulted with God in prayer.
To really understand what Paul was saying, we can look at Jesus and see how He did it. Jesus was in constant communion with His Father. He ate, He slept, and He ministered, but in every detail He consulted God.
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