The Great Commission Challenge Camp
Challenging the youth to become a disciple-makers.
“Even though I don’t have legs, I can share the gospel with my hands.”
A decade of efforts by Evangelism Resources and AIDA to advance the Good News in India culminated in 2009 with an emphasis on launching youth into Great Commission ministries.
That year, almost 900 youth from 21 states in India attended a conference in Nagpur. Of the delegates, 640 made commitments to do everything in their power to fulfill Jesus’ mandate in Matthew 28:18-20. Weeks later, 312 youth in Jharkhand made the same decision, as did 238 in Bihar.
Since then the Great Commission Challenge Camp (GC³) movement has spread to Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, seven nations in Africa, and most recently to the Philippines.
Each young person who attends a Great Commission Challenge Camp has been nominated by a School of Evangelism graduate. Each participant is mentored by that sponsor until the youth has established a discipleship prayer cell group.
Make a commitment as a disciple-maker. Learn to use the GC³ text, The Tentmaker’s Manual, for later use in Bible study or prayer cell groups formed with three friends. Plan alongside a local mentor to plant a house fellowship.