The Dusadh “My people are the Dusadh of India. We typically endure difficult living conditions due to economic hardship, and are among the lowest caste according to our surrounding culture. Because of our low socioeconomic and cultural status, we have little opportunity to earn a living and often can be found seeking alms.”
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Christian: 0.03%
India Population: 5,586,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 16705
ER SOE Affiliation: Bihar
Prayer Points
• Pray that the Dusadh might hear and believe that they are beloved by the God of the Bible.

• Pray also that the ministries in Bihar will be strengthened by the emerging Christian leaders among the Dusadh.
The Gadaria In the past, the Gadaria of India focused their livelihood on sheep and goat rearing. Today, they are more often occupied as masonry workers. They typically follow the Hindu faith, but have little access to education due to their low caste status by the surrounding culture.
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Evangelical Christian: 0.00%
India Population: 6,571,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 16768
ER SOE Affiliation: Bihar
Prayer Points
• Pray for the Gadaria to raise up pastors and Christ-following leaders among their people and beyond.

• Pray also that our ministry partners in central and northern India will continue to find creative ways to communicate the gospel to the Gadaria of India.
The Gond The Gond people of India tend to cultivate rice and other grains, and raise small farm animals. They follow a Hindu faith that is heavily influenced by animism. For example, they believe that certain animal sacrifices are a powerful way to keep evil spirits away (especially those that cause illness). They often offer goats to the evil spirits after waiting for a nod of agreement from the goat, concenting to being sacrificed.
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Evangelical Christian: 0.00%
India Population: 2,267,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 16332
ER SOE Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh
Prayer Points
• Pray that our ministry partner in Maharashtra will continue to communicate the gospel message of Jesus Christ as the true sacrifice who breaks the bondage of fear of death.

• Pray also that the Holy Spirit would continue to move among the Gond students and alumni of the Mobile School of Evangelism.
The Jat Sikhs The name Jat comes from an Arabic word that refers to people who live in a region spanning eastern Pakistan and northwest India. Today, the Jat people live throughout India (though mostly in the northwest), working as farmers and occasionally as traders or common laborers. In India, the Jat belong to three main traditions: Hindu, Muslim, and Sikhs. Jat Sikhs closely follow Sikh customs, including worshiping their holy book that has been named the Guru Granth Sahib.
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Christian: 0.02%
India Population: 9,052,000
Language: Eastern Punjabi
Major Religion: Sikhism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 18777
ER SOE Affiliation: Chandigarh
Prayer Points
• Pray for Jat Sikhs to come to know that Jesus Christ is the light that has broken through the darkness.

• Pray for wisdom for evangelists, that they will be able to show Jat Sikhs that Jesus is the only path to salvation and knowing God.
The Jaunsari The Jaunsari of India are also known as the Pahari people. They live primarily in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Most of the Jaunsari are farmers. Many are landowners and Hindu priests, but some are servants. They typically follow a Hindu faith that is influenced by Animism. For example, they believe that ghosts and demons haunt crossroads and rivers, regularly appeasing them with rituals and offerings.
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Evangelical Christian: 0.01%
India Population: 93,000
Language: Jaunsari
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 16998
ER SOE Affiliation: Uttarakhand
Prayer Points
• Pray that our ministry partner in Uttarakhand will continue to communicate the gospel message of Jesus Christ as the One who breaks the bondage to fear and death.

• Pray also that the Holy Spirit would reveal Himself to the Jaunsari people in dreams, visions and miracles.
The Juango The Juango people of India and Nepal are also known as the Munda-Santal Cluster. They have a rich heritage in music and dance, evidenced by most tribal villages having a dance floor where worship is offered by a village priest. Though the villages are run by “headmen,” the panchayat (religious leader) is consulted concerning the most important matters.
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Christian: 0.14%
India Population: 47,000
Language: Odia
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17029
ER SOE Affiliation: Odisha
Prayer Points
• Pray that the Juango people might sense the Holy Spirit calling them to worship the One True God.

• Pray also that our ministry partner in Odisha might find artistic expresssions for sharing the gospel message to the Juango people.

UPG stats and descriptions based on information from